1.Extended health plans: Most extended health plans include coverage for treatment including chiropractic, acupuncture, physiotherapy, registered massage therapy and orthotics/brace coverage. It is important to determine spousal coverage in case you require “roll over” coverage. Some plans will allow the clinic to directly bill the insurance company directly. Please contact our office if you need help understanding your insurance plan.
2. Auto accident insurance: If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident you will have full access to rehabilitation services. We will assist you in all the necessary paper work in our clinic on the initial visit. Also our clinic will bill the auto insurer directly. No referral from your family doctor is needed to access this type of coverage.
3. Work injuries (WSIB): If you have had an injury in the workplace, WSIB will cover your treatments upon approval. It is important to inform your employer if you are injured to get the necessary paper work started. You may then proceed to our clinic for assessment. No referral from your family doctor is needed for any service. This is billed directly from our clinic.
4. Veteran’s affairs: Most veteran’s have medical plans. Please contact our staff if you require assistance in understanding your benefits.
5. Direct Billing: Some extended health plans allow us to direct bill the insurer for your convenience. Our staff will help you determine if your plan allows this feature. (Note: auto insurers and WSIB are always billed directly).
6. Service Rates: All rates are in accordance with the recommended fee schedules provided by our professional associations. Please note HST is only applicable to registered massage therapy services.